Julian Hosp: reputation battered, audience melts away, DefiChain on the ground

It’s getting lonely for Julian Hosp. His flagship project DeFiChain (DFI) has crashed, fewer and fewer people want to follow his advice on YouTube and the like and he is unleashing lawyers on critics.

Crypto celebrity Julian Hosp is drastically losing popularity and credibility. This is evident on several fronts. For example, there is his German-language YouTube channel, which played a key role in making the 38-year-old a crypto celebrity. The data service Social Blade shows how Julian Hosp is losing subscribers on YouTube, with 1,000 followers dropping off on individual days. The number of views on his videos also speaks for itself: two or three years ago, 100,000 people were still happy to watch Hosp’s latest videos, but now there are only a few thousand. The entrepreneur still promises to use his video formats to provide important tips and background information, and not just for crypto investors.

The problem: why should anyone believe Julian Hosp when his flagship project DeFiChain (DFI) is trending towards zero? DeFiChain and the associated “stablecoin” DUSD are currently both trading below USD 0.04 and thus at all-time lows. Hosp wanted to revitalize the ecosystem after taking over Cake, the crypto company behind DeFiChain.

Criticizing Julian Hosp? Then you’ll quickly get mail from the lawyer

But criticism of his business practices is not to Julian Hosp’s taste. On YouTube and his other social channels, critical voices are systematically blocked and deleted. But if you look at Hosp videos like this one, where he cannot control the comments, the tendency is clear: “vapor talker” is still one of the friendlier assessments, while others call Hosp a scammer. Investors who have lost a lot of money on DeFiChain or earlier projects of Julian Hosp are probably also the background here.

Hosp himself had probably recognized much earlier than his followers that the DeFiChain concept could not work. Critic Lorena B., for example, pointed out on X back in February that Hosp had been exchanging DFI for Bitcoin (BTC) since the end of 2020 at the latest, thereby withdrawing trust from his own project. We also learned from Lorena that her further research revealed that Between December 1, 2020 and November 20, 2021, Julian Hosp dumped enough DeFiChain to earn 124.6 Bitcoin and 552.4 Ethereum (ETH) in return. Lorena is pretty sure that blockchain research would produce even more such questionable deals. She herself has put her channel on X on hold, partly because she was repeatedly attacked personally by Hosp fans.

Julian Hosp would also like to silence us and other critical media. His lawyers are threatening to sue us and sometimes actually doing so. This is a no-go in the crypto scene, because if influencers like Julian Hosp promise the “blue sky”, they should also be able to deal with independent media and experts pointing out warning signs and inconsistencies.

Conclusion: The Julian Hosp myth has deep cracks – investors become losers

You can already find reports on Julian Hosp’s projects before Cake (formerly Bake) and DeFiChain in our archive. There was the Lyoness pyramid scheme as well as the bankruptcy of TenX – one thing is the same in all cases: Ordinary investors normally had to write off their investments or sell them at a huge loss. Hosp and close allies, on the other hand, continue to splurge on luxury cars, yachts, villas and other status symbols to this day – they have apparently managed to increase their wealth.

Incidentally, DeFiChain has only mentioned Hosp in exceptional cases for a few weeks now, preferring instead to promote its recently published new book entitled “The Value Formula”. We can well understand X-user Sunny Decree, who scornfully remarks: “Someone who has launched four cryptocurrencies on the market, all of which are now actually worthless – how can someone like that publish a book called ‘The Value Formula’? Sunny Decree is called Marco Bühler in real life and has recently delivered a real bestseller in book form with “Bitcoin for Beginners”. Unfortunately, it remains to be seen what visions Julian Hosp has for the next round of activities in which his audience will be taken for a ride.


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