Binance Launchpool is currently focusing on the DeFi token BENQI (QI). For staking Binance Coin (BNB), Binance USD or Avalance (AVAX), free BENQI will be distributed until December 15.
Customers of the world’s largest crypto exchange Binance once again have the opportunity to get their hands on an interesting and still young altcoin via the launch pool there. This time BENQI (QI) is offered for depositing Binance Coin (BNB), Avalanche (AVAX) or Binance USD (BUSD) for staking. The promotion will run until Dec. 15, 2021, Binance’s announcement says. BENQI is a DeFi token based in the Avalanche ecosystem that organizes decentralized credit transactions through its platform. Very specifically, 22 million QI has been allocated to Binance Launchpool. Of this amount.
1. 70 percent to the staking pool for Binance Coin, where 513,333 BENQI will then be distributed daily in addition to a targeted annual interest rate of 5.78 percent, depending on the amount of BNB contributed.
2. 20 percent, or 4.4 million BENQI will be distributed for Avalanche’s staking, in addition to a targeted annual interest rate of 10.15 percent for AVAX.
3. Finally, 10 percent of the BENQI (2.2 million QI) is reserved for staking Binance USD (BUSD) and on top of that there is 6.3 percent targeted APR.
All you need to do is deposit your BNB, BUSD or AVAX at Binance Launchpool for BENQI. Daily QI will then be credited to you automatically until December 15 plus interest in the deposited cryptocurrency.
BENQI launched this fall and QI serves three purposes in the project. As a governance token, QI is the ballot in votes on BENQI’s future course. In liquidity mining, QI can be contributed to liquidity pools at BENQI and produces returns. In staking QI, the risks are lower, but so are the interest rate targets.
Conclusion: Don’t miss BENQI at Binance Launchpool
We have explained the principle of Binance Launchpool to you in more detail here, for example, and can only repeat: there is no catch to the actions there. For BENQI, Binance Launchpool is the stage to gain more attention. For Binance Launchpool is a way of customer loyalty. And for you, QI beckons as a reward for getting involved with the project and getting credits working in BNB, Avalanche and BUSD. So it’s best to sign up for Binance Launchpool right now.
Open a Binance Account here and save 10% on fees for a lifetime.
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