Solana (SOL) had to experience the outage of its blockchain for almost 18 hours a week ago. Now the Solana Foundation explains the incident by a so-called DoS attack.
On September 14, the world came to a standstill at Solana (SOL); without warning, the network’s readings first slowed down and then came to a complete halt. Initial attempts to fix the problems failed. Therefore, it was decided to ask Solana’s network points around the world to agree to a reboot at short notice and to combine it with an upgrade. In total, it took almost 18 hours before SOL and the ecosystem were working as usual again. Now, the Solana Foundation has published initial investigation results on the serious incident in a blog post.
What had been suspected before is now also being disseminated by the Solana Foundation as the official version: The offer of a new cryptocurrency was bombarded by automated requests from bots, around 400,00 requested transactions are said to have flooded onto Solana’s blockchain per second. As a result, network point computers reported insufficient storage space and cut connections. In the end, this is comparable to a denial of service attack, writes the Solana Foundation. In such DoS attacks on the Internet, online services are brought to the limits of their performance through (intentionally) generated huge numbers of requests and thus paralyzed.
Is the Solana Foundation whitewashing?
The Solana Foundation’s choice of words is surprising: a DoS attack is commonly associated with maliciousness. But at Solana, the “first come, first served” format had provoked the use of bots. The attempt to hold culprits liable for the network outage and the associated damage to Solana’s image will therefore also not happen. Further explanations by the Solana Foundation also read like they were formulated through rose-colored glasses. Because it is stressed, no assets were lost – to possibly failed actions in the ecosystem of SOL however no word is lost.
The Solana Foundation’s self-praise for a functioning emergency protocol can also be viewed critically. For example, it actually succeeded in organizing an 80 percent majority among the validators for the restart of the network in the short term. But what was to happen if this had not worked remains open.
Conclusion: Solana image tarnished by network failure
SOL is one of the losers of the last crypto week with more than 20 percent minus in the price curve over the past seven days. Currently trading around 130 US dollars, Solana is far from the all-time high of 214 US dollars marked only on September 9. Apparently, market participants are wondering whether such network failures can repeat themselves at Solana and then with possibly worse consequences. On the other hand, the Solana Foundation and network participants must be credited with having reacted quickly and largely transparently.
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