Block.one is the company behind EOS. At EOS, voice as a social media app was to become a showcase project. But now there are increasing signs that the paths are separating, as Voice is receiving 150 million US dollars from Block.one to operate independently.
In June 2019, Dapp Voice was announced for the EOS ecosystem in a big fuss – Voice was to become nothing less than an alternative to Facebook, Instagram and other social networks. Currently, however, the question is whether Block.one, as the Blockchain company behind EOS, still really believes in Voice. Because, as Voice announces, Block.one will receive 150 million US dollars to act as an independent company in future. Shortly before the launch of the beta version of Voice, it had already become known that Voice, contrary to all previous plans, would not be based on EOS as the blockchain.
What is actually happening with Voice, Block.one and EOS?
Block.one had collected around 4 billion US dollars from the ICO of EOS and was able to avert legal problems in connection with it in the USA through a settlement that cost 24 million US dollars. So Block.one is still a company worth billions. Voice spent a substantial one-off sum of USD 30 million on the purchase of the voice.com domain and is reported to have invested a further USD 100 million or so in initial development work.
However, an official launch date for the full version of Voice is now circulating in the first quarter of 2021, while competitors such as Hive aka Steem are already announcing. The idea of rewarding good content with its own token is also being pursued by the browser Brave. Voice is thus lagging behind potential competitors in the crypto industry and it is questionable whether it will be possible to catch up.
For this reason, the current flow of money from Block.one to Voice can also be interpreted as ransom. Of course Voice sees it differently and speaks of a success. But Block.one’s intention to concentrate primarily on EOS again is already in evidence in November 2019, when it announced that it would be exercising voting rights and thus actively intervening in EOS. Voice would by no means be the first project from the crypto sector to attract a lot of attention in the short term and then disappear from the stage more or less unspectacularly later on.
Conclusion: EOS’ course is fluttering, Voice’s future uncertain
EOS, like other Altcoins, has already experienced considerable price fluctuations in the crypto year 2020, but has held up quite well overall. EOS still lacks a use case that would clearly set it apart from its competitors. This is exactly what Voice was supposed to become, but hopes for it seem to be dashed. Whether and when Block.one will go public again with an event like the one in June 2019 and Voice is unknown.
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