At IOTA there is a small step forward in the field of Coordicide: To avoid misunderstandings in the communication around Coordicde, a terminology for the technical terms used in the development has been defined.
IOTA seems to be slowly succeeding in attracting attention again with positive news. This time the focus is on Coordicide. With this project IOTA wants to make the transition from a centrally coordinated network to a decentralised solution. The work on Coordicide is now so far advanced that it is considered appropriate to define technical terms, says a blog post of the IOTA Foundation. According to the blog post, individual components of Coordicide are already being sent to external experts and are being tested by various departments at IOTA. It is essential to avoid misunderstandings during the discussions. To ensure that every developer knows what is being discussed in detail, almost 20 terms have now been defined that are to be used in all communication about Coordicide.
Time for optimism at IOTA and Coordicide?
From a technological point of view, the latest water level report on Coordicide does not provide anything new, this time it is all about terminology. However, it is certainly sensible to avoid gibberish and to provide cooperation partners and developers with a dictionary. The developers themselves know best whether this should not have happened earlier. William Sanders, who works as a mathematician at IOTA and has now collected the technical terms, concedes: In internal discussions, he himself often used words to describe components at Coordicide that spontaneously came to mind or were common in his department. In his opinion, the new glossary is essential for Coordicide to communicate accurately.
Largely unnoticed, IOTA has meanwhile updated the roadmap for Coordicide. The roadmap now provides for the launch of an Alpha Net with Coordicide as a showcase until the end of July 2020. By the end of 2020 a test net will be launched and all important components for Coordicide will be ready for release. If this all works out, Coordicide could be officially implemented at IOTA 2021. The prerequisite for this is to be created with IOTA 1.5 aka Chrysalis by the end of October 2020. So it is and remains a tight schedule that the IOTA Foundation is setting itself.
Conclusion: IOTA communicates better than before
I’ll say one thing for you: IOTA’s homemade problems with the official Trinity Wallet, the founders’ dispute and criticism from insiders had made it clear on several occasions in 2020 that the IOTA Foundation had deficits in external communication. Now, as with the glossary on Coordicide, the Foundation is striving to score points with new transparency and a clearer approach. For investors, however, the decisive factor remains whether and when Coordicide (IOTA 2.0) really comes and could then offer new tailwind to the price of IOTA.
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