Javsphere (JAV): Friend of Julian Hosp disappears

Javsphere: JAV Friend of Julian Hosp Vanishes into Thin Air

In the Cosmos (ATOM) universe, the validator Asian Blockchain Network (ABN) has disappeared without a trace on Thursday with tokens worth an estimated 1.3 million euros. This is once again a major setback in the industry. Because ABN is closely linked to Dr. Julian Hosp and was entrusted with ATOM worth millions by several customers. The events started with an alert in the validator community from a user account who wanted to warn others about ABN. The account claimed that ABN had stopped paying rewards for delegated ATOM since the beginning of October. Upon further investigation, it was found that ABN’s website, social media presence, and other contact options were no longer accessible.

Cosmos (ATOM) Validator ABN Linked to Julian Hosp

In the Cosmos ecosystem, validators are known as blockchain participants who protect the network by validating transactions and, in return, earn the right to receive the ATOM token. Users can entrust these validators with ATOM to benefit from staking rewards. The validator Asian Blockchain Network is now suspected of having stolen entrusted assets. A closer look reveals that Asian Blockchain Network is linked to a larger shadow network called Javsphere, which operates from Vietnam. Julian Hosp’s name has repeatedly appeared in connection with Javsphere over the years. Through his firm TenX, Hosp had previously cooperated with Javsphere on various projects and presented shared crypto business plans.

Big Influencer in the Blockchain World

Julian Hosp is one of the best-known German-speaking personalities in the crypto industry, running a popular YouTube channel on related topics. He lives in Asia and claims to have brought Ethereum to its all-time high in December 2017 with the help of the Asian market, which is traded under the pseudonym “Mr. Block.” However, according to public perception, a significant portion of Hosp’s activities through Asian Blockchain Network and Javsphere ended in obscurity or failure, often involving allegations of fraud against him and his partners. Julian Hosp has not yet publicly commented on the ABN scandal.

The Community’s Reactions

In the blockchain world and on social media, the community is busy trying to regain lost coins or at least secure remaining balances. From the legal side, there has been little progress so far because the focus of Javsphere’s activities seems to be in Asia and local authorities there haven’t expressed much interest in the situation. Meanwhile, other ATOM validators are scrambling to reassure their panicked users, clarifying their own credibility. It remains to be seen whether the crypto branch will succeed in fending off this new scandal or whether other setbacks are looming for Cosmos and its hardworking community.

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