The crypto stock exchange Binance sets up an attractive staking program for Tron (TRX), Tezos (XTZ) and ATOM. Up to a good 20 percent annual interest rate is envisaged. The exact conditions depend on the duration of the deposit and the selected Altcoin.
With the largest crypto stock exchange world-wide, Binance, can be traded as is well known not only with Bitcoin and CO., but for selected crypto currencies Binance offers also interest on deposits. This can be compared with a savings book or fixed-term deposit account. Now Binance accepts Tron (TRX), Tezos (XTZ) and ATOM in particular and distributes interest on these through its staking program. Altcoins must be deposited with Binance for at least 30 days and up to 90 days. The targeted, converted annual interest rate of 20.58 percent with TRON (TRX) for example, with a 90-day deposit period, sounds quite attractive.
Interest through staking for TRX, XTZ and ATOM with Binance
In order to benefit from the Binance offer, you must hold one of the crypto currencies mentioned above in your customer account. Under “Locked Staking” you can then deposit it into the program. The following conditions currently apply:
- Tron (TRX): A minimum of 1,000 and a maximum of 10 million TRX are accepted by Binance for staking interest. If the deposit is made for 30 days, Binance expects an annual interest rate of just under 11 percent for Tron, for 60 days it is already 13.72 percent and for 90 days 20.58 percent.
- Tezos (XTZ): Here a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 50,000 XTZ must be deposited with Binance. For 30 days the target annual interest rate is 9.15 percent and for 60 days 11.43 percent. For 90 days deposits, Binance accepts a maximum of 20,000 Tezos from individual customers and gives 16.47 percent APR as targets.
- ATOM: A minimum of 20 ATOM must be deposited and a maximum of 10,000. 30 days will earn 7.35 percent of the expected annual interest rate, 60 days 9.36 percent. For 90 days staking of ATOM at Binance, 18.72 percent APR is forecast for a maximum of 5,000 ATOM per program participant.
Conclusion: TRX, XTZ and ATOM staking pays off at Binance
Those who keep an eye on special promotions at Binance will always find sweets. The Locked Staking for XTZ, TRX and ATOM, which started today, is to be seen in this light, with interest rates above average. In addition, Binance makes participation in the program very easy and advertises with a high degree of security. So if you hold XTZ, TRX or ATOM and do not currently use them, you can have them work for you at good interest rates with Binance.
Open a Binance Account here and save 10% on fees for a lifetime.
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