Airdrop from Spark for XRP – Coinbase customers will probably get nothing

The Airdrop of Spark, a new DeFi Coin, due on December 12, is of particular interest to investors holding Ripple (XRP). This is because they are to be automatically allocated to Spark free of charge. But Coinbase will probably not participate.

Ripple (XRP) is the third largest crypto currency after market capitalization and accordingly broadly set up is the group of the investors. These have recently sent XRP on a clear positive price development and are waiting for December 12, 2020. Then their commitment in Ripple is supposed to pay off more or less doubly, because there will be one Spark per Airdrop for each XRP. This will attract profits, we have explained Spark and the concept of the underlying DeFi platform Flare here. But watch out: You have to make sure that your XRP is stored on a crypto exchange that supports the Airdrop. Coinbase as one of the very big crypto exchanges will apparently not be the right choice. Anyway, Flare tweets for Spark that it is probably “too late” for Coinbase to provide technical support for the Airdrop.

Does Kraken at XRP also do without the airdrop of Spark ?

At Coinbase there are 3 billion XRP and thus about 7 percent of all XRP in circulation. Another big crypto exchange, where a lot is traded with Ripple, is Kraken. Here it says on Twitter in all clarity that one has no plans to airdrop Spark. Accordingly, neither Kraken nor Coinbase can be found on the constantly updated list of crypto exchanges that are part of Spark for XRP.

Conversely, this means: If you do not want to miss the record-breaking airdrop of Spark, you have to take care of your XRP. Claiming Spark by hand is complicated and therefore not recommended. It’s better to do the work for you with crypto exchanges which technically implement the Airdrop for their customers and make it so comfortable. eToro is to be praised here as well as Binance. With these providers XRPs which are stored on customer accounts on December 12th are automatically assigned to Spark without any extra work.

Conclusion: Ripple with tailwind from Spark Airdrop

How Spark’s price will develop will only become apparent after December 12. Then it will also become clear whether the current price gains of XRP are sustainable. For the time being, Ripple cuts a fine figure thanks to the Airdrop, which means that XRP will be brought closer to the DeFi division. If you are holding XRP, shift it from Coinbase or Kraken to Binance or eToro, for example, so that you don’t miss out on your Spark. If you’re thinking about buying XRP now or buying it for the first time: Please keep in mind the risks that could affect the price of XRP and do not guarantee the success of Spark and Flare.

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