23% of men in Switzerland invest in Bitcoin – significantly more than in Germany or Austria. The percentage of Swiss women investing in crypto is even higher than the overall share in Germany (across all genders), as shown in a new infographic from Block-Builders.net
In 2021, 17% of the Swiss population was invested in cryptocurrencies. According to the Statista Global Consumer Survey, the figures for Austria and Germany were 12% and 10% respectively. A recent study by Moneyland.ch now sheds more light on how crypto-savvy the Swiss are.
It revealed that 23% of Swiss men invest in Bitcoin, while 25% of all men (also) hold other cryptocurrencies in their portfolio. Across both genders, the share in 2022 is 18%.
The figures are certainly interesting, not least because the Swiss are generally considered to have a high level of financial knowledge. At least the average wealth per capita among the Swiss is relatively high, and investment behaviour may well play a role in this. By way of comparison, the median wealth in Switzerland is the equivalent of US $146,733, while in Germany it is US $65,374.
The infographic highlights that the Swiss are not only more open to cryptocurrencies. The percentage of shareholders is also comparatively high, with 27% of the Swiss investing in domestic shares. The most recent figures for Germany, on the other hand, showed that the ratio of shareholders was 17.1%.
Obviously if you are struggling to make ends meet, you don’t have the means to invest. You have to be able to afford the Swiss’ willingness to take risks when it comes to investments – but the key point is that it seems to be paying off.
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